Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Canyon Rim Supports Ordinance Change to Permit Backyard Hens and Small Livestock

Mayor Peter Corroon
Salt Lake County
2001 S. State Street, #N2100
Salt Lake City, UT 84190

Re: Permitting domestic fowl and small livestock in unincorporated Salt Lake County.

Dear Mayor Corroon,

Thanks for the support and leadership you continue to give our community.

On February 19, 2008, Canyon Rim Citizens’ Association council members unanimously voted to support a change in Salt Lake County ordinances 9-13-020, 19-94-030, and 19-04-305, which currently prohibits keeping backyard hens and other small livestock, to instead adopt Salt Lake City ordinance 8.08.010, Section A which states:

It is unlawful for any person to keep within the City any chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, pigeons or other similar domestic fowl, or more than two (2) rabbits, or other similar animals, without first making application for and obtaining a permit from the Office of Animal Services to do so.

The permit from Salt Lake City’s Office of Animal Services requires the following:
Petitioner must apply and obtain a permit from the Office of Animal Services
Domestic fowl is only permitted (non-commercial)
No roosters
No coop or run shall be within 50 feet of any structure used by human habitation
Strict sanitation requirements
No trespassing of fowl upon premises of adjacent property

There is a national movement towards sustainable living for environmental and health reasons. Canyon Rim council members ask that you also support the suggested change, namely that Salt Lake County ordinances 9-13-020, 19-94-030, and 19-04-305 be changed to coincide with Salt Lake City ordinance 8.08.010.

Thanks for your time and consideration on this matter.

Best Regards,

Aimee McConkie
Chair, Canyon Rim Citizens’ Association

Monday, March 17, 2008

SL County Needs Ordinance Change and Hens

I am looking for support in changing SL County ordinance to allow the keeping of backyard hens to match the ordinance of Salt Lake City which allows this.

The whole country is moving towards more sustainable living. Los Angeles, New York City, Houston, and Seattle have ordinances which allow keeping backyard hens.

I have lived in my home in the Canyon Rim area for 14 years. I have very large back yard behind my small well kept home on this plot. I have been growing organic gardens year round in our 4 season climate and keeping chickens, hens for their eggs to feed my family and share. I am very much commited to supporting the concepts of 'The Slow Food Movemet.'

Our daily morning meal of eggs and salad greens comes from as near as 50' from our kitchen door. We have made good use of our space in the urban area in which we live. Our garden consist of winter edible greens grown in passive solar grow boxes, an annual vegetable garden, culunary and medicinal herb gardens, 6 varrieties of fruit trees and berries. We have perennial floral gardens, a meditation garden and a children's garden.

It is a place of sharing, graditide and education. We do this with a heartfelt intention to try to be more enviornmentally sustainable as well as for health and humane reasons.
I have recently come to learn there is an ordinace in the Salt Lake County that prohibits the keeping of chickens. But if we lived just 1 block north in the Salt Lake City area it would be legal.

I am requesting suppot of futhering this cause within Salt Lake County. I walked the Canyon Rim area and spoke with over 70 neighbors who signed a petition in support of more sustainable living in Salt Lake County. I had an ABUNDANCE of support in changing the ordinance to allow the keeping of backyard fowl in a manner that would be in accordinance with the ordinances of Salt Lake City. I also spoke at my neighborhood Canyon Rim Community Council meeting and presented this to members of the board. I again had unanimous support with changing this ordinance. Canyon Rim has written a letter of suport and will ask other community councils to support this as well.

In the recent issue of the Milcreek Journal (year4 issue2 Feb.14,2008), Mayor Peter Corroon reports 2008 Priorities for Salt Lake County. I feel this movement coinsides with his stated priorities.